Friday, April 4, 2008

Final Project

So i am going to do some form of choose you own adventure. I am looking tentatively to go to the topics that relate to my life, and will heavily relate to the audience. I am thinking tentatively, that i will do a human drama. Right now i am thinking a blind date or a bar scenario.... and making the person choose there own adventure threw it.

Secreatary At large

So, we are to examine how an artist can mediate. Hu. Well as i reflect on the peice by randall packer, the way in which i saw his work as affecting change on the political process was in its ability to broaden and alter the scope of topic that are discussed. In his work he demonoizes the bush administration. He seeks to exspound about how we as a society have suffered a time of dispair and down turn under the bush administration. He has made several diffrent peices that show the anquish and turmoil of this time, his peice showing the death of america, for example, shows how he feels that we killed some of the things that made us profoundly american.

The artist can change how we veiw things by bringing into question the accepted norms of are society. Artists allow us to broaden and challenge the excepted values of are society and to ask questions that would normallly be perceived as boarish or inappropriate. When we make a peice that correlates Iraq to Imperialism or something else we ask fundamental questions which the veiwers of are peices can not help but be drawn into thinking about, at which point we have achieved are objective

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


So for my Political attack add i plan to make what is in effect a pro McCain peice of propaganda. I will compare him against other canadites making a point about his war experience. Very tenatively, I will work form a slogan of Economics, the costs of war. ... I can t give you an image as i plan to work from video clips.

Midterm PRoject

We traveled to the Hishhorn museum for class in a pursuit of Video art. Video art is art that is done by the use of video as a medium, This art differs from the television shows or programs which your average American is daily bombarded with in that it is not intended to hold your attention or raise viewership, to make an advertising slot more desirable, instead video art like all art simply seeks to evoke an emotion in the viewer. Now, with services like You Tube it has become possible for the artist to present his work to an audience all around the globe simultaneously. Because it can be so widely available it can appeal to those of a particular group or ideology, it can be of many different types and designs, it can show many different facets, when you take an art form and allow it to use a mass distribution network like the internet it no longer needs to appeal to an audiences in every area, even if a piece only was to appeal to one person in New York, that person can see the work on the internet, where as with less then digital art, the art has a material side which presents it from being everywhere at once and in the same moment means that it must have a place of exhibition which it can be presented from, and which it will draw large enough crowds to to cover its expense. . The piece that I Actually found most engaging in the form of video art was the image with the smoke and the lines, projected based upon the movements of the audience. By fooling with the projector and film, and creating an environment, the artist leaves the audience to make the art work by their own movements, this creation of parameters within which others actually make the real image. Just my musings.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Steve Dietz

We went to a presentation by Steve Dietz in which he discussed the Unscripting of the political process. I found he had a large and inclusive bracket that made it hard to grasp exactly what it was that was in this Unscripting. However, when he began to present pieces I began to see what he was talking about. What he was looking at is how we as individuals can abstract ourselves from the political controls of our party systems, how we can be social activists and seek to affect our society.
The piece that best portrayed this to me was B.L.O., The Barbie Liberation Organization. In there almost childish assault on the culture perceptions of the proper toys for boys and girls they approached the issues of what are appropriate toys and whether or not the toys that we are playing with act as a form of social programming the enact the norms of our day onto are children. The switching of voice boxes in Barbies with those from GI Joes makes it so you have switched the toys and there attached gender specifics sounds out. You now have an uber effeminate GI Joe and a masculine Barbie. Barbie isn’t suppose to want to kill people, GI Joe should want a nail job, But what is wrong with them being switched.
I feel that The Barbie Liberation Organization succeeded where so many of the pieces we saw failed, in that it was able to gain appeal and presentation to a wide cross section of the population. The normal failure that similar works of what could be called activism is that they only succeed in preaching to the Quire, they fail to recruit new supporters to a cause.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008